Entries by admin

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Pre-Book Launch Feels

In July, I committed unnervingly, to in-person book launch events. I spent the month of August almost paralyzed, sitting in pure discomfort that I had done so. Come September, I watched my child gracefully handle the rocky transition to kindergarten and coexist with nerves daily, all while never holding back from his authentic self expression. […]


HSP Serendipity

I experienced my last “rock bottom” surrounding that lack of career-focused purpose in 2015. I felt fully stagnant – I had no where to direct the extreme passion or creative energy that was about to implode within. That night, my husband appeared with a whiteboard and marker in his hands and told me it was […]

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Meet My Illustrator!

There are so many incredible artists in the world that are all instantly accessible thanks to social media. However, the thought of sifting through an entire planet’s worth of illustrators was daunting to me. There are so many factors to consider: style, timeline, cost, professionalism and reliability, working approach, that overall necessary *vibe*, etc. That’s […]